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Garlic Flavoured Oil

  • Servings 500ml garlic-infused oil
  • Preparation time 5 minutes
  • Cooking time 15 mins
  • Difficulty Easy

Garlic Flavoured Oil

  • Servings 500ml garlic-infused oil
  • Preparation time 5 minutes
  • Cooking time 15 mins
  • Difficulty Easy

Garlic is high in fructans, so it’s difficult for people who are sensitive to FODMAPs to digest. However, it’s also full of flavor and features in a lot of recipes, so it can be difficult to adjust to a life without garlic. Thankfully for us though, FODMAPs are water-soluble, not fat-soluble, which means you can infuse oil with garlic flavour without adding FODMAPs.

FoDMAP Content

Separate and peel the garlic cloves


Chop each clove in half. You want to keep the pieces large so that they are easy to strain out afterwards - Best not to grate, mince or finely chopping the garlic cloves


Place the garlic and oil in a saucepan and place over a low to medium heat


Once the oil has begun to bubble turn off the heat and leave the garlic in the oil while it cools down. The longer the garlic rests in the oil, the stronger and deeper the flavour


Once the oil is cool enough, strain through a sieve into a jug/ jar


If you have a funnel, pour the flavoured oil back into the bottle. Otherwise pour the flavoured oil into a glass jar with a lid. This oil should keep for a couple of weeks.


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1 x Garlic bulb

500ml neutral oil, e.g. rapeseed/canola oil, grapeseed oil etc.

Note: If you use an oil that comes in a glass bottle, you can put the flavoured oil back into the same bottle (using a funnel). Otherwise you can store the flavoured oil in a glass jar.

Aine Moran

BSc Nutritional Sciences

  • Last updated 25 April 2024
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