What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that can cause redness, flushing, and acne-like bumps on the face. In some cases, visible blood vessels and spots on the face may appear, accompanied by a burning sensation on the skin. It affects about 10% of the population, usually between the ages of 30 and 60. Rosacea can be triggered by various factors, including sunlight, stress, extreme temperatures, alcohol, and certain foods. Unfortunately, many people with rosacea can often feel embarrassed by the appearance of their skin, making them uncomfortable in social situations.
The link between SIBO and Rosacea
There is a well established link between rosacea and SIBO (Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Studies have shown that people with rosacea are 13 times more likely to have SIBO. It is believed that gut health and skin health are connected via the gut-skin axis. Bacteria in the small intestine may release toxins, triggering an inflammatory response. This immune response may then lead to rosacea symptoms.
Can SIBO treatment help Rosacea symptoms?
SIBO can be treated with prescription antibiotics or herbal remedies. In a study following people with SIBO and rosacea undergoing antibiotic treatment, results showed a 78% improvement in skin lesions and general improvement of skin and gut health. This suggests that testing for SIBO and treating it could help to improve rosacea symptoms too.
Antibiotics may not be the answer for all people however. Herbal remedies for SIBO can have a similar effect to antibiotic treatment. This could mean that herbal remedies for SIBO may also help to relieve rosacea symptoms.
How can FoodMarble help?
If you’re dealing with SIBO, understanding and managing your symptoms can be challenging. The FoodMarble AIRE 2 and app are here to assist you in monitoring and tracking your condition more effectively.