The FoodMarble app is excellent at displaying how vitals, such as fermentation levels, meals, and symptom scores, change throughout the day. However, sometimes you want to see how these scores change over time. Seeing these changes over more extended time periods can highlight trends that help you get to the bottom of your digestive issues. This is especially useful for vitals like poop, sleep, and stress levels, which don’t change much throughout the day. That’s what the FoodMarble app’s Trends section is for. And we’ve made a few changes to this feature to make it easier for you to find trends!
The FoodMarble app is excellent at displaying how vitals, such as fermentation levels, meals, and symptom scores, change throughout the day. However, sometimes you want to see how these scores change over time. Seeing these changes over more extended time periods can highlight trends that help you get to the bottom of your digestive issues. This is especially useful for vitals like poop, sleep, and stress levels, which don’t change much throughout the day. That’s what the FoodMarble app’s Trends section is for. And we’ve made a few changes to this feature to make it easier for you to find trends!
Breath scores and meals are now on the same graph in the Trends section, just like the Daily Cards. This allows you to see how the FODMAP content of your meals affects your breath scores. What’s more, if you own an AIRE 2 device, you can now see your methane levels in the Trends.
You can also adjust how your breath and meal data are displayed over time. Breath scores can be filtered by the average, lowest, and highest breath scores, while meals can be filtered by the individual FODMAP content. The meal filter is especially useful for tracking your FODMAP consumption over time. For example, I’ve noticed that I tend to consume a lot of foods high in inulin and FOS.
Trends can be easier to spot over longer time periods. As a result, we’ve added a monthly view to help you see how your scores have changed over the last four weeks.
When viewing my scores in the monthly view, I was able to gain some useful insights. It is clear that near the end of the period, I began eating more high FODMAP meals. I also had significantly more bloating, poor sleep, and appeared to be cranky!
This type of long-term tracking can also be very beneficial for people dealing with SIBO, who must track their gas levels and symptoms during treatment to determine its effectiveness, and after treatment to monitor relapse. We hope these updates will help you discover trends more easily. Get in touch if you have suggestions for the Trends feature or the app in general!
FoodMarbles FODMAP Testing Kit is a great way to find the foods that are right for your body. If you are looking to find the root cause of your digestive issues check out our AIRE device and FODMAP Testing Kit.
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